There are three things this seal (God's seal) means for the believer,
It is a finished transaction. The Bible says in John 19:30 LITV, Then when Jesus took the vinegar, He said, It has been finished (tetelestai). And bowing His head, He delivered up the spirit.
The Greek word tetelestai, means, Paid in full. The debt has been paid, none left to pay. None outstanding. Christ redeemed His people, thus the seal makes known the transaction is complete.
Ownership. the Bible says in 2Timothy 2:19(a) LITV, However, the foundation of God stands firm, having this seal, "The Lord knew those being His;"It is the seal of authenticity. Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are the very genuine possession of the Lord, His treasured possessions, and they are the Lord’s Jesus’ inheritance, given by the Father.
Security. the Bible says in Ephesians 4:30 LITV, And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed to the day of redemption.
The seal of God makes it valid. The sealing of the Holy Spirit of promise is once for all. It is done. Believers are secure in Him, and are sealed to the day of redemption. God has given to every believer complete salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, and they will be with Him, the risen Lord Jesus, for all eternity!
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