This speaks of the seal of God, which all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are sealed with.
In the Old Testament, the kings would have a signet ring, with a mark upon it, and when a document would need a seal of a king, the king would push down with his signet ring onto some kind of wax on the document to seal it. The seal could not be broken. This would be done to make sure whatever the document contained, it would not be changed nor broken nor reversed.
All Christians have the King of kings, the Lord Jesus' seal upon them, the Holy Spirit of promise. God has marked His people. This can not be changed nor reversed nor broken.
Understand, the seal could only be broken by one higher in authority than the one who made the seal (on whatever it may be).
For example, when Jesus was in the tomb, the Bible tells us in Matthew 27:65-66 LITV, And Pilate said to them, You have a guard, go away, make it as secure as you know how. 66, And going along with the gaurd, they made the grave secure, sealing the stone. The stone was sealed by Rome. Then the Bible tells us in John 20:1 LITV, But on the first of the week, Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, darkness yet being on it. And she saw the stone had been removed from the tomb.
It was sealed by Rome, but One greater than Rome, Almighty God, broke the seal! Jesus walked out of that tomb, the risen Lord!
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