Modalism is a teaching that denies the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity. Modalism teaches that God appeared in three modes or manifestations.
First as the Father (in the Old Testament), second as the Son (Christ on this earth), third as the Holy Spirit (after Christ ascended into heaven). Modalists deny that the one True God is three distinct persons. Modalism teaches God is one eternal person who has appeared in three modes or forms.
The problem with modalism is it nowhere to be found in the Bible. Nowhere in scripture is God ever called one person. The Bible teaches God is one God, absolutely, but never one person, but very clearly teaches God is three persons.
Even in the first Book in the Bible, Modalism is destroyed.
Let us take a brief look.
Genesis 1:26 LITV
And God said, let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creepers creeping on the earth.
Notice God said let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.
God is one God, but the one God refers to Himself as ”Us” referring to more than one person. In the next verse, this is confirmed.
The next verse, v. 27 says, God created man in His own image. Man was created in the image of God (not the image of angels nor any other image) so the ”Our” image in v. 26 can only refer to God and His image. Very clear and very simple, One God, but not one person.
When you go to chapter 11 of Genesis and the tower of Babel, you will be able to notice Jehovah came down in verse 5, And Jehovah said in v. 6 (LITV), then in v. 7 (LITV) continuing what the Lord is saying, Come let Us go down and confuse their language. In v. 9 it tells us the Lord did confuse the language. The ”Us” again clearly refers to God as in Genesis 1, teaching One God, but not one person.
So even in the first book of the Bible, the Bible teaches one God, but the One God is not one person, which destroys the heresy of Modalism (modalists teach one person).
When we come to the New Testament, things become very clear and the three distinct persons (The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit) are seen. One God but three Persons. The Trinity is Biblical.