Monday, 13 July 2015

How Weak Man is!

The universe is so huge, man has only scratched the surface. Just think about where man has actually been to in space, how much man has discovered up there, and you come up with very little. Over the many years, man has attempted  to discover what is up there with their best attempts,  only to uncover very little.

Now let us compare that with the Almighty God with an illustration I heard a preacher give in a sermon~ A student said to his teacher, "Do you believe there is life on other planets like ours?" The teacher said, "No, I don't believe there is other life on other planets." The student said, "Then why would God go to all that trouble creating them?" The teacher said, "What trouble?"

Exactly, what trouble? When you compare God who spoke the sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets into existence, to what man has achieved with their quest in space, it gives the reality on how weak and limited man really is, and how Almighty God is.  

Here is another illustration to show how weak man is compared to God: If man was asked to make a flower from nothing, what would happen? Nothing would happen because man does not have the ability to create a flower, or any plant, or anything from nothing, but the Eternal God created the heaven and earth from nothing. God simply spoke His Word.  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Gen. 1:1kjv). 

Man did not create God, but God created man (Gen 1:26-27), and the Bible says, And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Heb. 9:27kjv). Man, the unique creation of God, will give an account to the Creator (Almighty God), and if we stand before Him anything less than His perfect standard, then we are going to be found guilty for breaking His Law, and we will have to spend Eternity in hell (Rev. 20:15). 

That is the reason we do not go to heaven by our works because we have broken the Law of God already~For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23kjv). We cannot make the perfect standard which is required, no matter how much we try, we do not have the ability.

The only One who could and did live God's perfect standard was the God-Man, who was (and is) fully God and fully Man (perfect Man), the One person of the Lord Jesus Christ. God entered into His own creation, became a man, to die for man, and be buried and on the third day rise from the dead, so we can have forgiveness from God for the sins we have committed against Him, and receive the perfect righteousness of Christ from Him onto our account, so we can enter into heaven and have Eternal Life with the Creator. This is the greatest miracle of all- God could not simply speak a Word like He did for creation for a person to be saved, but God entered into His own creation to die for us, to pay for our sin debt by the shedding of His blood on the cross.

The Bible says that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation for every one that believeth (Rom. 1:16). Do you truly believe? Never get the idea that you will make heaven without Jesus because you don't have the ability to get there, just like you do not have the ability to make a flower from nothing. You do not have the power to make a flower, how do you expect to have the power to make heaven in your condition?~ Come to the Lord Jesus Christ who has the power to save you!- Repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, and trust in Him alone to save you by His death, burial and Resurrection, and the Bible says you will be saved (John 3:16)

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