Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The devil is the father of lies

Notice that Satan lied to Eve when he said to her, “Ye shall be as gods”, or simply put, “You will be god” (Gen. 3:5). The devil knows there is only one true God, and understood that Eve would not be god, but he wanted Eve to trust in herself as god, and be independent from the One True Living God and not trust in Him. 

Satan still uses this lie today. What does Satan want? He does not want people to come into a relationship with God through Christ and go to heaven, but to remain in their sin and rebellion against God, and go to hell; all false religions and cults which includes atheism accommodate the devil's desire. Atheists believe the lie that they can be independent from God, just like Eve believed in the Garden of Eden. The many people who claim to be atheists want to set their own moral standard and say what is right and wrong because they have pleasure in unrighteousness. They make themselves believe they are not accountable to the true living God by deceiving themselves to believe the lie that there is no God. The reason is because they want set their own moral standard that allows them to have pleasure in sin, thus to make them feel comfortable in their practice.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Christ will lead His Sheep Home!

The  Lord Jesus makes intercession for His people (Rom. 8:34), and you can be sure that Christ will not fail because His intercession is based on His finished work. He has already won the victory by His death, burial and resurrection, and His people will endure to the end. Christ is already victorious. Christ cannot fail and He will see His people to the end. You can witness this with Peter when Jesus knew Peter would be going down by denying Him 3 times, but Jesus prayed for Peter that He would not be staying down, but he would be coming up again, and would endure to the end (Luke 22:32). Now compare that with Judas, who betrayed the Lord Jesus. Jesus did not pray for Judas like He did for Peter, and Judas did not go to heaven.

The people who professed to be believers and have turned their backs on Christ and become apostate were not truly saved in the first place (1John 2:19), because if they were truly saved, they would never have become an apostate because Christ intercedes for His Sheep, and His Sheep will endure to the end.

Christ has accomplished salvation for His sheep, and He will lead them home and not lose one (John 10:27-29).  He has given every true believer eternal Life (John 3:16).

Friday, 13 May 2016

You believe in what?

It is amazing how atheists will convince themselves to believe in something that nobody has ever witnessed (evolution), and do not have any evidence for anything that has evolved from one kind to another kind (fossils are not evidence for evolution) , thus have nothing that can be observed and tested. The reason a person is an atheist is not because they do not know their is a God, because they do know there is a God (Rom. 1:18-20), but it is because of their hatred for the true and living God, the God of the Bible. They would rather suppress the truth, and convince themselves to believe the lie because they have pleasure in unrighteousness.

The Judgment, Mercy and Grace of God!

There are some Christians who cannot accept and will not accept that the Bible teaches that God chose only to give His Son for an Elect peop...