In the NWT, it reads, 'because by means of him were all [other] things were created.' In the Greek, the word 'other' is nowhere to be found in v. 16-17. Let us look at the opening part of v. 16- In the Greek (TR), it reads, 'oti en auto ektisthe ta panta.....' (TR) which means, 'oti (for) en (by) auto (Him) ektisthe (were created) ta (the) panta (all things).....' or, oti en auto ektisthe ta panta (Nestle Aland 27)~ simply translated in English, 'For by Him were all things created.'
When we go to the last part of v.16, the NWT says, 'All [other] things have been created through him, and for him. Notice they have added the word 'other' again. In the Greek (TR) it says, 'ta (the) panta (all things) di (by or through) autou (him) kai (and) eis (for) auton (him) ektistai (were or have been created)', or (Nestle Aland 27), ta (the) panta (all things) di' (by or through) autou (him) kai (and) eis (for) auton (him) ektistai (were or have been created)~ simply translated in English, 'all things were (or have been) created by Him and for Him. Even in the WH Greek, there is no word 'other'. The word 'other' is nowhere to be found in v. 16-17 in the Greek.
It is very clear in the Word of God, in v.16-17, Jesus is Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth (Gen. 1:1). There is no doubt at all what Paul the apostle wrote. But the problem for the JW's is if they translated what the Greek actually says, they would destroy their false doctrine about the Lord Jesus, and they simply can not allow that to happen, so they added a word to the Word of God, the word 'other', so they can continue to promote the lie that Jesus is not God, and have many people deceived.
If you are a jehovah witness, you need to realize you are not following the Jesus of the Bible~ The Jesus of the Bible created all things- He Himself was not created, but He Himself created all things, and only in Him, can you have salvation.