As a preacher and teacher of the Word of God, I have preached about Hell. You have to if you are going to preach the whole counsel of God. The Lord Jesus spoke about Hell more than any other in the Bible.
Hell is a reality, and that reality needs to be preached. One preacher said, "Hell is a place at the end of a Christ-less life." Hell is not a respecter of persons! It doesn't matter if a person is rich or poor, famous, a president, royalty, homeless, or any other, without Christ, hell is waiting.
The Bible says, 'All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.' (Romans 3:23) ~ God requires perfection because He is a Holy God! (Isaiah 6:3 & Revelation 4:8) And with every heart beat, a person without Christ is closer and closer to their date with Jesus in court (Hebrews 9:27), when He will judge them by their works and they will be found guilty for breaking His Law, and worst of all, rejecting Him, the One Who showed such Love on the Cross for sinners, and they will not be found in the Book of Life, and will be cast into God's eternal prison (the Lake of Fire), as guilty people (Revelation 20:11-15).
But God by His mercy and grace has provided One Way for us to settle out of court before our date in court comes (the final judgment), and His Name is Jesus (John 3:16). Only Jesus has the standard for heaven, and only Him (Acts 4:12).
God sent His Eternal Son from heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ (who is God), to take on humanity, and He lived a perfect life (He never sinned) Hebrew 4:15, and went to the Cross, and suffered, bled and died for sinners to pay their sin debt in full (1Corinthians 15). The One who we have sinned against, was the One who came down to this earth to die for sinners, to pay that debt in full. God is a Holy Judge, and sin can not be overlooked. He has to judge. We can not offer anything to God for our sin because we are have already broken His Law, and our works are as filthy rags in His sight [Isaiah 64:6] (He demands perfection), and He does not take filthy bribes from us.
After Jesus was crucified on the cross, and died, He was buried, and on the third day He rose again! He is ALIVE!. He has conquered sin, death, and the grave, and defeated Satan. Jesus is the Way for a person to settle out of court (John 14:6); to receive a pardon. When a person repents (change of mind and heart) and put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to save them by His death, burial, and resurrection, they receive the forgiveness of sins by the blood of Jesus (Ephesians 1:7). Not only that, when a person believes on the Lord Jesus, they receive Jesus' righteousness onto their account (Romans 3:22). It is like you lived the Life of Jesus Christ. You are clothed in His righteousness. You are saved for all eternity. So when God looks upon a believer, He sees Jesus' righteousness, and now you can enter heaven.
Why don't you settle out of court (if you haven't settle out of court), and come to the most precious gift of all, the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive Life from Him.
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